免费开源的中文分享利器 | ShareX 官方版


ShareX是一款功能非常强大的分享工具,只要是免费开源的程序,都可以将分享的内容上传到网路上的免费服务,或是个人的云端空间等等,多达20多种不同的服务,也能指定到 FTP,也能够自己定义不支援的空间等等。


ShareX是一款功能非常强大的分享工具,只要是免费开源的程序,都可以将分享的内容上传到网路上的免费服务,或是个人的云端空间等等,多达20多种不同的服务,也能指定到 FTP,也能够自己定义不支援的空间等等。



ShareX功能多到夸张内建有萤幕撷图的功能,还支援圆角方形、椭圆形、三角形、多边形等等的撷取范围,也还有萤幕录影的功能,能将图片输出成动态的 GIF 档案。在萤幕撷图之后有各种动作的设定,有浮水印、边框、注解、复制到剪贴簿、列印图片、存档、另存新档与上传图片,这些功能老实说颇实在的,能有比较广泛的应用。

大部分的功能和快捷键都可以自定义。比如说你可以配置成,按下快捷键截图后,自动加上水印(或者其他效果),自动上传到 imgur,然后把可以分享的图片网址自动缩短(是的,你没看错,这货也支持各种网址缩短),然后自动复制链接到剪切板,并同时自动发送 tweet。

除了截图以外,ShareX 还能分享剪切板内的文字,或者上传文件到各种服务。然后,它还有一些其他的功能,感兴趣话可以去安装来慢慢研究。


ShareX 15.0.0 – 2023-01-18

Our GitHub Sponsors profile is live! You can sponsor us to support the development of the ShareX project. Thanks to GitHub Sponsors Matching Fund, we are receiving double the amount of donations, therefore GitHub Sponsors is the best way to support us!

Added new “Dark” theme, and renamed previous theme to “Night

    • If you did not add a new theme manually then ShareX will assume theme settings are default and add the new theme automatically, otherwise you must reset theme settings to default to get it
  • Updated our website theme to fit to new ShareX dark theme: getsharex.com
  • Added “Pin to screen” tool
    • Available methods to use the tool*:
      • Tools menu → Pin to screen
      • Main window right click context menu → Pin to screen (Ctrl + P shortcut)
      • History/Image history window right click context menu → Pin to screen (Ctrl + P shortcut)
      • After capture tasks → Pin to screen
      • Toast notification click action option → Pin to screen
      • Create a hotkey
    • Available hotkeys that users can create:
      • Tools → Pin to screen
      • Tools → Pin to screen (From screen)
      • Tools → Pin to screen (From clipboard)
      • Tools → Pin to screen (From file)
    • Pin to screen keybinds:
      • Hold left click Move image
      • Right click / Escape Close image
      • Middle click Reset image
      • Double click Minimize image
      • Mouse wheel / + - Change image scale
      • Ctrl + Mouse wheel / Ctrl + + - Change image opacity
      • Ctrl + C Copy image
  • Hotkey settings window visual improvements
  • Allow changing hotkey tasks without opening task settings window, instead dropdown menu could be used, which also gonna make creating new hotkeys easier*
  • Hotkeys which have their task settings overridden by the user are now indicated by “*” character at the end of hotkey task name
  • Added “Cut out” tool to image editor (by @nielsmh)
    • Available cut out effects:
      • No effect
      • Sawtooth
      • Torn edges
      • Wave
    • X keybind can be used to select the tool
  • Added “Wave edge” image effect (by @nielsmh)
  • Uploader configurations now assume https:// by default if prefix is missing from URL entered by user
  • When downloading file to reupload, ShareX will request the file name from the server instead of parsing it from URL, this feature is mainly used with ShareX browser extensions because extension gives URL to ShareX which then downloads the file from URL to reupload it
  • If system admin disabled upload through registry then on first ShareX run disable after capture upload option too
  • Using GitHub Actions to release builds now instead of AppVeyor
  • Use ShareX theme in screen recording overlay
  • Added “Pause” support to screen recording*
  • Added “Pause screen recording” hotkey
  • Added support to move recording region while recording is paused*
  • All ShareX builds now include FFmpeg 5.1 64-bit built-in, 32-bit OS users can override FFmpeg path to use their own FFmpeg binaries
  • Removed FFmpeg download button because it is not necessary anymore
  • Added “Freehand arrow” annotation tool
  • Increase text annotation maximum font size to 300 from 100
  • While annotating when Ctrl key is hold also disable selection of resize nodes
  • Dev builds are now stored in ShareX/DevBuilds repository
  • “Install dev build” button now shows update message box and downloads the dev builds from ShareX/DevBuilds repository
  • In auto update message box if “No” button is pressed then disable auto update check until ShareX is restarted
  • Added support to quickly combine images in main window by drag and dropping thumbnails to top of each other
  • Allow closing OCR window with Esc key
  • In “Hash check” window allow dragging file to second file path textbox
  • Include uploader name in upload error notifications
  • Added “Wrap after” option and image count label to “Image combiner” tool
  • Implemented OAuth loopback IP address flow for Google Drive, Google Photos, Google Cloud Storage and YouTube because the rest of authentication methods are deprecated for desktop apps by Google
  • Added “DisableLogging” registry setting (Disables debug log file saving)

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