免费便携版 PSPad 中文编辑器,轻松编写代码!


PSPad editor Portable,多功能免费文本编辑器,支持多文件编辑、语法高亮、内置HEX编辑器、FTP工具、文件比较工具等,让你的编程更高效!


PSPad editor Portable 是一款集各种编辑器的优点于一身的免费文本编辑器,支持简体中文界面。它同时编辑多个文件,可以使用 project;内置HEX编辑器;支持宏的录制和使用;支持语法高亮和彩色显示,HTML,PHP,Pascal,JScript,VBScript,SQL,Perl,JAVA…;内置文件比较工具;支持宏的录制和使用;内置FTP工具;可以针对不同的文件类型设置对应的外部工具;支持外部编译器。不过其打开文件的速度似乎不如 Editplus。



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最强的是剪辑(Ctrl+Space)和自动完成(Ctrl+J)功能,它能帮助你快速高效的生成部分代码!这个用IDE的程序员都会知道。对与Web开发,PSPad的菜单“网页”里面提供了页面预览、格式化HTML代码、压缩、格式化CSS、集成Top Style、集成TiDy等功能。在菜单“帮助”的“在线工具”里面提供了Link检查、HTML校验、CSS校验、HTML TiDy等一系列工具。PSPad不愧为程序员的编辑器!

当然,PSPad 也有缺点,由于底层采用 SynEdit,所以 Unicode 支持不太好,另外换行(word wrap)问题始终没解决,作者干脆去掉了这个功能。我觉得如果不是读代码,而是写代码,直接设置格式为UTF-8基本没问题,换行功能也基本没用。作者很积极,一直在完善 SynEdit 和 PSPad,也许不久就会有个完全支持 Unicode 的 PSPad。


v5.0.7  03/10/2023

  • Added missing HTML tags: portal, slot, template
  • ChatGPT (menu tools) improved. If request isn’t returned from v35, it’s automatically send to v30 ChatGPT version. Improved string handling
  • Search in files – optimization open all result files
  • List of FTP connection in popup menu – break after each 15 connections
  • Integrated ChatGPT (menu Tools). Is necessary to insert your API key, links for requesting and inserting API key are on ChatGPT dialog
  • Program settings / Colors – Current tab changes top highlight color of the current file tab
  • Program settings / Direct edit – HighlughtCurrentFileTab=0 switches off top highlight of the current file tab
  • HTML highlighter highlights new pairs FIELDSET, LEGEND
  • OpenSSL libraries updated to 3.0.8 version
  • JavaScript Code explorer – added CLASS support
  • G-Code user highlighter definition (Arman Hayots)
  • Optimized application start with previous files, optimized open few files from command line
  • File tab context menu now contain 2 items for copy file name and file name including path
  • User Highlighter keyword lists extended of indication “Start with”. If definition is followed by numbers, keyword is highlighted.
  • OpenSSL libraries updated to 3.0.7 from Sept. 1st 2022
  • New Italian spell check disctionary version (Giovanni Maroncelli)
  • HTML export generates inline CSS for selected text (HTML fragment), for non selected generates whole HTML page with CSS definition and references
  • ASCII chart – added control chars
  • Char ^Z (1A) removed from binary file detection
  • OpenSSL libraries update
  • General highlighter supports user defined regions using #REGION … #ENDREGION in code
  • Left guttter track changes colors are adapting to dark/light background
  • Autohotkey Code explorer shows hotkey labels too (#<char>::)
  • Automatic unicode composition (Special settings) is made with clipboard paste and save file too.
  • User convertors allows you to define delimiter character for lists. In the section [Settings] as DelimiterChar=|. Pipe is used as default, even variable isn’t present.
  • possibility to disable triple and quadruple click behavior in program settings / Direct edit button as TripleClick=0
  • Run under DEP (Data Execution Prevention) enabled
  • Cobol highlighter – extended Code Folding capabilities
  • Modified lines indication
  • Copy formated text – new function in the Edit menu or editor context menu allows you copy highlighted text into richtext format editor, e.g. Word
  • New function in File tab context menu – Open file folder in Explorer
  • Program settings / Direct edit button (Special settings) – added new option UseClearType = 0/1, what allows you to disable cleartype in the editor window. The settings take effect when the program is restarted
  • FTP – possibility to set default FTP connection. Put asterisk on the end of FTP connection name.
  • Editor component – reworked UNOD/REDO
  • File list from menu window redesigned – you can sort by file name, folders, …
  • PHP highlighter – added “mixed” type
  • PHP code completion – added magic constants
  • Check and automatic fix of the recent.ini file
  • Ruby – multiline string support
  • Compiled in new Delphi 11
  • ASCII chart changes encoding acording to used code page of window (not for unicode encodings) when you click on the status bar
  • When Save file state is enabled, user changed highlighter has priority over HTML multihighlighter.E.g. PHP file is open in HTML multihighlighter, user changes highlighter to PHP. Next time PSpad will open file as PHP, not as HTML multihighlighter
  • Added mechanism what fix corrupted PSpad.INI file
  • In splitted window bookmarks are synchronized
  • Active file tab highlight when Tab style is selected
  • Statusbar icons are high DPI ready and light/dark theme ready
  • TextDiff drop panel was moved from top right to the top left corner
  • In Filetab context menu you can open file in new PSPad instance as admin
  • Reverse apostrophe in user highlighter isn’t autocompleted if isn’t set is as string delimiter
  • JavaScript – added missing keywords
  • Split same window horizontally/vertically set second window into same position as the first one
  • Code folding can’t be used together with Wordwrap. Wordwrap activating will disable Code folding for current file. Wordwrap deactivating will enable Code folding back (if supported for this file)
  • Scripting – new functions mainWindowHandle(): HWND, editorWindowHandle(): HWND
  • File tabs symbols are High DPI optimized, light/dark optimized
  • Unix Shell Script – added keywords, added support for backtick expressions, improved highlighting
  • Program start drawing optimalizations
  • PSPad is able to open file with broken UTF-8 encoding. After warning and confirmation.
  • Code folding – settings is part of the Program settings under editor
  • HEX edit – added history into Find/Replace
  • Ruby user highlighter – improved strings highlighting
  • Rewritten statusbar handling information, cleaned-up code from state, when statusbar was part of each window
  • Code folding manipulation is under the View menu, in the editor context menu, under toolbar button
  • Updated communication library Synapse
  • Implemented new OpenSSL version for FTP connection. Now libcrypto-1_1.dll and libssl-1_1.dll libraries are used (or their 64b versions) instead of the old libeay.dll and ssleay.dll what can be deleted.
  • Code folding support for SQL (Oracle and MySql dialects, rest is supported partially)
  • Automatic synchronization of File explorer after file save in case when Program settings / Files and dirs is set directory as Active file and File explorer is active.
  • Search in files results were extended of char position. Click on results line send you to exact file position
  • StatusBar – dark themes icons support
  • PSPad informs, if file contains char #0
  • CompactLineNumbers option in Program settings / Direct edit (0/1) allows change line numbering to compact form
  • Code folding support added to VB Script and Visual Basic, FoxPro
  • Close file(s) from whole application was united. Please report any problem joined with editor window close
  • Code folding support for User highlighters. For now languages based on curly brackets are supported, in rest of languages added support lines. Is necessary to set tcfCurlyBracket for Codefolding type in the User highlighter definition. if you make modification, let me know or send me definition file, I will include it in the next build.
  • Updated editor component. Report please anything “strange”.
  • CodeFolding support introduced – for now supported languages: JavaScript, Java, C#, C++, Perl, PHP, Pascal
  • CodeFolding support is possible to switch off in Program settings / Special settings: CodeFolding=0
  • Editor – tripple click select line, quadruple click whole text
  • Config backup – before each version update started from PSpad config files are automatically backed up into subfolder backup_cfg of config files placement.
  • Default limits (Program settings / Special settings) for Multihighlighter, Highlighting and Code explorer were increased to 750 000 bytes
  • SQL highlighter – added several SQL dialects (Nexus, Postgres, Informix)
  • Updater – unattended run appends log instead of rewrite it
  • Updater – added support for updater update. Run PSPUpdRun.exe instead of the direct updater run. More info in .\Updater\Readme.txt
  • FTP – click on the current path label fill in path into quick change dir
  • Highlight all occurrences of highlighted text – new option in (Program settings / Editor 1) allows you set highlighting case sensitive
  • SpellCheck dialog – for visually impaired people the label with original word was replaced for edit (readers support)
  • Memory manager was returned to default one
  • Autocomplete (Program settings / Editor 2) – New option Autocomplete replaces rest of the word. When Autocomplete is called from the middle of word it replaces/let the rest behind the cursor
  • Color dialog – first 6 custom colors are remembered between sessions
  • Updater was integrated into PSPad. From the automatic check or from menu Help you can decide to download update manually or run updater. Updater can be started from command line too – see included ReadMe file in Updater folder.
  • HTML preview – it’s possible to use WebView2 based on Chromium engine – in the HTML Preview switch engine using first icon in the top left. There is necessary to install WebView2 runtime from MS: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/#download-section, or small MS installer what will do it automatically for you: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=2124703
  • Changed library for handling INI files. Please report any problem with configuration files
  • InnoSetup Script highlighter – improoved highlighting
  • MS SQL highlighter – added new data types
  • Session – list in the save session dialog is sorted alphabetically
  • Ruby – added code explorer support
  • RSS highlighter, cause it duplicates XML highlighter
  • Set PSPad as IE source viewer
  • Code explorer for PowerPro – variable occurences
  • Sessions – current session mark after open
  • Sessions – restore files with active Code explorer
  • Exception when file close
  • PSPad.INI – saving problem
  • Spell settings – switch dictionary in 64b version
  • Fixes joined with OpenPClose file redraw
  • Open favourite panel from the File menu
  • SpellCheck – load/release dictionary
  • Program settings / KeyMap – save problem
  • Perl highlighter – q-function highlighting fix
  • Close file by mouse wheel doesn’t redraw file tabs names
  • New project from folder – save button wasn’t active
  • Updater – appear in the screen center instead of desktop center
  • Handled exception when Recent.ini content was damaged
  • Write system parameters, e.g. Splash screen
  • Reduced flickering when program starts
  • Autocorrect in splitted editor window
  • Open more files at once from OpenDialog
  • Close numbered file tabs with mouse wheel doesn’t update numbers
  • Remove nonexisting recent files when none recent files left
  • Drop binary file into TextDif box
  • Drag/Drop editing – copy selected text with CTRL key
  • Names of few highlighters and attributs was different in the new editor component what looks like a “lost” configuration
  • Highlight all occurences of highlighted text – Case sensitive option wasn’t written into config
  • Toolbar background with dark skin
  • UNDO and modified file indication
  • Close file tabs to right, Close file tabs to left – sometimes left free tab row
  • Better difference between enable/disabled UNDO and REDO icon
  • Duplicate line functionality
  • Clipboard monitor
  • Close last file using file tab context menu / Close doesn’t hide file panel
  • Load file containing #0 char ends with End of memory message
  • Reformat paragraph (menu format) removes blank lines
  • Highlight selected text occurences – when scrolling, sometimes part of the line was highlighted
  • Words at cursor doesn’t return word when cursor was just behind the word
  • Corrupted PSPad.INI – if file contains char #0, rest of the file was ignored and it looked like lost of config
  • Exceptions joined with CodeFolding when window is closed
  • Play recorded macro was slow
  • Speed up Undo/Redo command – please report any problem
  • FTP – handled exception when can’t write config file
  • Macro save/load problem
  • Word under cursor – case when word was the last on the line and cursor was behind the word
  • Ctrl+Del doesn’t delete spaces before start of next word
  • Fixed load sections from “non standard” ini like TiDyCFG, Convertors, e.t.c.
  • Find/Replace with new lines in replace expression
  • OldSpecialChars in [Special settings] – Program settings / Direct edit
  • TextDiff – last line was marked as missing
  • Search/Replace – usage of empty pattern only like ^ or $
  • HexEdit – Search/Replace witout confirmation doesn’t mark file as modified
  • Split window, synchronize moving and unsplit window caused exception
  • Activation of last selected window after close current one
  • Ruby highlighter – embeded expression in string and other reported fixes
  • Save function is available always, tool button icon depends of the modified state
  • PHP highlighter – highlight matching bracket in case of multiline string
  • File plugin fix
  • TextDiff – file names size with High DPI screen resolution
  • Print with dark background
  • Block selection by keys doesn’t start on the position where you write last letter
  • Block selection with F8 + F8 didn’t work
  • Duplicate lines, swap with line above/bellow
  • MacroRecorder – macros and AutoIndent
  • Fixed UNDO with active autoindent on the last editor line with real tabs
  • Fixed combination of Real tabs and smart tabs with Autoindent – unwanted spaces insertion
  • Fix of potential configuration corruption
  • Closing of nonactive window using mouse on FileTab – focus in editor
  • if file is locked by another process, binnary file test raised exception
  • TextDiff window artefacts after splitter move
  • Search/Replace or Reload doesn’t refresh symbol on the file tab
  • Copy/Paste in text without highlighter
  • Undo/Redo – assigning shortcut directly to editor command instead of application action when no Undo/Redo was available caused editor freeze
  • Coment/Uncomment block (Shift+Ctrl+A) doesn’t include last selected line in case the line contains 1 char only
  • Autocorrect doesn’t work for files open with PSpad start
  • Copy to clipboard always added HTML format
  • SmartTabs
  • Active tab after open file from “outside” of PSPad
  • Select word with dblclick broke on accented chars
  • Handled exception when decoding invalid string from BASE64
  • Filetabs visibility after open project or open session
  • Drag/Drop text with mouse in column or line mode selection
  • FileTabs visibility when you close all files and open several files using OpenDialog
  • Windows shell script – variable %~xx highlighting
  • Paste the copied text into Excel
  • Autorefresh symbol on file tab
  • Activate window when file was already open
  • UserHighlighter – some keywords wasn’t highlighted
  • Call 2x Clear history in Program settings / Files
  • After Find/Replace save icon wasn’t highlighted
  • Active tab after open file from left panel
  • Active file tab
  • Save icon wasn’t highlighted after Search/Replace
  • Save user highlighter definition
  • Code explorer parsing (if active) when file is open
  • HTML/XHTML highlighter settings – compiler, applications, …
  • Ruller content after program start
  • Code clips activation after file load
  • Find dialog – COPY button doesn’t open new document when used more times
  • Assignment of external application when you open file using Open Dialog (Ctrl+O)
  • Internal WWW preview take care of DPI when you use size presets
  • Text operation in splitted window
  • Find in Files – click in result – activate file if file is already open
  • Find in Files – after double click the line was white font on light gray background
  • TextDiff window – goto source (dblclick)
  • Recorded Macro play – reduced problems with clipboard
  • User highlighter – possibility to save definition witht none string highlight
  • Reduced flickering when window switching
  • TextDiff – fixed Window redraw when switching tabs
  • TextDiff – fixed Ctrl+Mouse wheel behavior
  • TextDiff – fixed unwanted block selection after dblclick
  • Reopen modified file
  • SpellCheck – fix for cyrilic languages, improved similar words search
  • In some cases closed file wasn’t written into recent files list
  • Clipboard monitor
  • Fixed behavior of commands Delete last word (Ctrl+BkSpace) and Delete word (Ctrl+Del)
  • System icons in FTP (if enabled in Program Settings)
  • Highlight of the selection occurences wasn’t repainted after change of the selection
  • Matching token highlight with missing matching token
  • Create menu Help content based on the Online.ini file
  • CrLf was always added when file was saved
  • Shift+Down, Shift+PgDown on the last line will include last line into selection
  • Unwanted Autoindent after Enter when cursor was on the first column
  • Change char case in the selected column block
  • Windows shell script highlighter
  • Parameter /F doesn’t start from the begin but from cursor position
  • Restore files doesn’t restore last active file tab
  • Wordwrap with Right Edge
  • Cursor edge line
  • Autocorrections and user highlighter
  • Main menu glitch in some cases after file open
  • File explorer – fixed form resize or show/hide log behavior
  • Search/replace recent strings was trimmed of initial spaces
  • Reload file in splitted window
  • Refuse open big file dialog with PSPad start caused exception
  • Open file from FTP with path longer than 260 chars – handled exception
  • Perl highlighter caused app freeze if file contains #00 char
  • Find / Copy or List – redraw slows down whole process
  • Macro – play macro with clipboard handling
  • Project tree – missing last letter of the project name
  • File tam context menu – copy file name doesn’t include path
  • Bookmark drawing wren you scroll with arrows
  • File tabs – file change indication doesn’t appear in some cases
  • Recent storage is saved on program close
  • TextDiff with running PSpad and registry integration to the Windows explorer context menu
  • Search/Replace – load profile trims quotes from expressions
  • Switch to HEX mode and back mark file as modified
  • Ruby strings %/…/
  • When SpellCeck was active, it doesn’t work for new open files in some cases
  • Fixed many problems in 64b build
  • Previous open files was open with C++ highlighter
  • Open project opens project file for editing as well
  • User highlighter – keywords start with option fixed for negative numbers e.t.c.
  • Code pages settings – arrows doesn’t stay on the bottom when window was resized
  • User convertor added additional line to the line end if no text was selected
  • Problem with open big file and NO answer
  • Group UNDO problem
  • Highlighter settings – wasn’t possible to switch off Unix shell script highlighter
  • PowerShell highlighter – problem with multiline comments
  • PSPad start with undocked window (e.g. OpenFiles) caused exception
  • Text inserted with Macro wasn’t visible immediately
  • Help – search tab doesn’t work
  • Other fixes reported by users

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