文件共享已成为互联网用户之间交换数据的常见方式之一。BitTorrent 协议,以其高效的分布式文件共享机制,成为全球数百万用户的选择。在这其中,Tixati 中文版作为一款卓越的 BitTorrent 客户端,凭借其出色的性能和用户友好的界面脱颖而出。
- 界面友好:Tixati 的用户界面设计简洁直观,即使对于BitTorrent新手也非常容易上手。
- 透明度高:用户可以清晰地看到 P2P 节点信息,包括下载进度、上传比例等,这对于监控下载活动至关重要。
- 性能出色:软件具备强大的带宽图表和节流能力,确保网络资源的合理分配。
- 功能全面:除了基本的下载功能外,Tixati 还支持选择性下载、优先级排序、DHT、PEX、Magnet URI 等功能。
- 安全性:MSE/PE 功能增强了软件的安全防护,保障用户的隐私和数据安全。
- 完全免费:Tixati 是一款完全免费的软件,无内置广告或付费墙。
Tixati 3.27
Jul 18, 2024
added Client Profiles feature to Settings > Transfers > Trackers
peer ID, extended client ID, and HTTP user agent configurable in profiles
can select client profile from transfer or category right-click menu under Trackers submenu
new Client ID setting in transfer Options tab under peers subsection
added xfer_client_id: to individual tracker options
added xfer_client_profile: to individual tracker options
added client profile selection button to preload window in trackers view
fixed problems with icon sizing in tree/list views on high-DPI screens
fixed check/radio button rendering problems on Windows platforms
added adaptive tree column sizing and loading based upon current DPI
fixed problems with window size inflation when dragging between different DPI monitors
added name generator to user name change window in Home view and Channels view
fixed ping RTT chart and diagnostic chart line drawing color in Windows builds
fixed several minor problems with logging in Peer Properties window
fixed combo box sizing problems that sometimes clip text on right side
other minor tweaks and adjustments in the GUI