Zettlr(科研笔记) v3.0.0 中文多语免费版
















This update brings a host of changes and new features. If you’re upgrading from
an older version of Zettlr, you will have to re-do a few things because due to
the extensive changes, we had to adapt how your data is persisted. Here’s the
quick list:

  1. Your open documents will have to be re-opened once. Regardless of which files
    were open previously, they will all be closed after the update.
  2. There are no more unsaved in-memory files.
  3. Two default settings have changed in order to maximize benefits from the new
    features: Avoid new tabs is now set to false (since split-panes also allows
    you to spread out your open documents across several panes and windows), and
    Always reload remote changes is now set to true by default.
  4. The defaults system has changed. You will see new export options that weren’t
    there before, and you will see some weird export.format.yaml and
    import.format.yaml export options. These are the “old” profiles we have
    kept in case you made modifications. We suggest you copy over all changes to
    the new profiles and then delete them, or rename those old ones to more
    memorable names. Read more below.
  5. The TableEditor has received a better save strategy to prevent data loss. As
    it is impossible to fully control the data flow from the visual table element
    into the underlying Markdown document, this data flow is now explicit: Tables
    now feature a save button (with a disk icon) at the top of the table. Its
    background will be green as long as the table has not been modified. Once it
    it modified, the background will turn red. Click the button to apply all
    changes to the document.
  6. Quicklook windows are completely gone now.
  7. Footnote editing has changed: Instead of editing the footnote in-place by
    Cmd/Ctrl-clicking it, there is now an “Edit” button inside the footnote
    preview which, upon clicking, will bring you to the footnote context. This
    has the benefit that you will have full syntax highlighting support as well
    as any shortcuts and commands you may need.
  8. We have deprecated the Zettelkasten link start and end configuration
    settings. Both are now fixed to [[ and ]] respectively. We have figured
    that nobody needs to configure this, and it makes many parts of our code

New Icons on Windows and Linux

For 3.0, we decided that it’s time to give our app icons a facelift. For the
past six years, Zettlr sported working, but relatively bland icons to convey its
existence on the taskbar to its users. The new icons still convey the same
message, but you will notice that they now integrate much better into the new
Windows 11 Fluent UI.

We decided to exchange the icons on Linux as well. They may not seamlessly
integrate into your specific UI, but we feel they will definitely look more
modern than the previous iteration of icons.

With this move, the Windows and Linux experience of Zettlr finally moves on par
to the macOS experience, which has received an updated icon with the release of
Zettlr 2.0.

Split-Panes and Multiple Windows

A long awaited feature has made it into this version: Now you can open multiple
windows and you can split the editor area in every window into multiple parts,
so-called editor panes (sometimes we may call them “leafs” since internally
they are represented as a tree structure. Feel free to remind us in that case
that we’re talking to humans, not our code). This means you can now open as many
files as you wish at the same time, and you can spread them out across multiple
windows. This will especially benefit workflows that rely on having open
multiple files side by side to copy information or to read them. However, if you
are happy with the old ways, you can of course opt not to use them. Here’s how
it works:

  • You can open a new window by choosing the corresponding menu item in the
    Windows submenu, or by pressing Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+N.
  • You can now drag document tabs not just within the tab bar, but also onto the
    editor area. If you move a document tab to the borders of the editor, a
    shimmer will appear that indicates that you can split the editor to that side.
    If you drop the file on one of the four borders of the editor, this will split
    the corresponding editor in two along the specified direction (left, right,
    top, bottom) and also move the file into that new pane.
  • You can also move document tabs between multiple panes by simply dropping them
    in the center of an editor pane. As long as there’s no shimmer, the file will
    be moved instead. You can also drop a file onto a tabbar of one of the
    editors, which will have the same effect (but it will be indicated with the
    same blue shimmer as when you are splitting an editor).
  • After you have closed the last file inside such a pane, it will automatically
    close itself. If the pane was part of a split, the other pane will then occupy
    the place of the now closed editor pane. To create the pane again, simply drag
    another file to the correct border of an existing editor pane.
  • You can resize the panes at will. Unlike the sidebar and file manager, we have
    not implemented any size limits, so with a little bit of care, you can create
    your unique mosaic of files.
  • Since we are now not limited to one active file and one set of open files per
    window, these notions have changed their meaning. Now, every editor pane has
    one set of open files and one active file. Each window also remembers which
    pane was last active so that global features (such as the sidebar) can show
    you information based on the most recently focused editor pane’s active file.
  • Most contextual information (table of contents, list of references, etc.) will
    now update based on the most recently focused editor. In order to make those
    places show information relating to one of the open editors, simply click with
    your mouse inside to focus them.

New Defaults/Profile File System

This update introduces a new way to work with defaults files. At a glance,
here’s what has changed:

  • Zettlr now understands the reader and writer properties of defaults files
  • It uses those properties to determine if a file can be used for importing or
    exporting, and displays the appropriate files in the relevant places for you
    to choose
  • You can now create new defaults files, rename existing ones, or remove them
  • When changing the writer or reader for such a file, this change will be
    recognized by Zettlr and be treated accordingly
  • This also means that Zettlr will from now on only ship with a minimum set of
    profiles; but any additional import/export formats can be created by you with
    just one click
  • Additionally, because of this, you are now able to export LaTeX files directly
    without running them through a Markdown interpreter first, allowing you to,
    e.g., create beamer slides or write plain TeX files within Zettlr
  • Furthermore, we have dropped our internal reveal.js exporter, since Pandoc
    supports everything we did out of the box (and better) than our exporter

Tag Manager Update

The tag manager has received a necessary face lift. Now, the tag manager shows
all your tags and allows you to assign/un-assign colors and descriptions. This
makes it easier to assign colors to certain tags without having to remember the
tag first. Additionally, it gives you a better overview over your tags. The info
is now being propagated better across the app, with more places showing the
assigned colors for tags.

Additionally, you now have a better way to consolidate your tags: Within the
tag manager, you can now rename tags in order to clean up your tagging system.

Splash Screen

As more and more users have increasingly large workspaces, we receive an
increasing amount of feedback that the app start seems sluggish. To indicate
that nothing is wrong and Zettlr simply needs time to recreate the cache, we
have implemented a splash screen that shows if the file loading isn’t finished
after one second and displays the boot process to show what is happening behind
the hood.

Migration Guide

There are two instances where you will want to migrate something.

Old defaults files

Since Zettlr will never remove any data without asking, it will keep the
previous files in your defaults directory. Now that their filename is also
meaningful, you can see them by their naming structure: import.format.yaml and

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