







编译器优化包括 SSE4.2、AVX、AES 以及对 CFLAGS、LDFLAGS、thinLTO 标志、import_instr_limit 标志和 PGO 以及其他编译器标志的修改。
LLVM LOOP 优化作为 -mllvm 标志
适用于 Linux 和 Windows 的 UI 更改和补丁,可修复错误、增强可用性并增强隐私/安全性。


BETA 2 Th24 build – M126.0.6478.251

  • It has the same Th24 updates/fixes as the Beta 2 Linux build, so read those release notes here first > (And if you haven’t used any of the beta builds yet, you should read the Beta 1 release notes to get up to speed about what all this Th24 stuff is about)
  • On top of the fixes from the beta 2 Linux build, this release also:
  • Force enables MV2 extensions at a lower level (Previous releases just set an enterprise policy flag to “On”, this release enables it at the //components/extensions/ source code level)
  • New chrome://flags flag “Custom Tab Width” chrome://flags#custom-tab-width: This lets you set the default tab width to 60px, 120px, 240px (the Chromium default), 300px, or 400px. I decided against adding a text box where you could type a specific width, because if you accidentally set it too small or too large, the browser becomes unusable. These pre-defined widths should cover most use cases. NOTE: Since the code I added uses pixel values (px) instead of DPI values (dp), if you have Windows set to a large DPI level like 200%, you should account for that and set the custom width value to lower than what you are wanting.
  • Fixes menu spacing issues on Windows and MacOS to even more closely match the pre-CR23 style.
  • Adds a new simple thorium_all build target, that automagically builds everything to make an official release build + installer for the given platform. (Of interest only to developers or people wanting to build Thorium themselves).
  • Fixes some more spacing issues in the bookmarks bar
  • Fixes spacing issue of tab separators, which made the horizontal padding between inactive tabs be wider than the vertical padding. I also went ahead and set the separators to 2 pixels wide instead of 1, so that deviates a bit from the pre-CR23 UI, but I think it looks better, and makes it easier to distinguish tabs when you have a billion of them in a single window (which I’m very guilty of doing). Speaking of that, Thorium’s performance optimizations really show their shine when “hypertasking”. For example, I tested Chrome M126 and Thorium M126, and found their speedometer 3.0 scores to be about identical, but when I tested them by opening 1,000 tabs spread across 10 windows (100 tabs per window), they used the same amount of RAM, but the CPU usage of Thorium was much less, and Thorium remained much more responsive than Chrome did, under such a heavy load. This is to be expected since AVX instructions lend themselves particularly well to very large datasets/transfers, and large matrix multiplication tasks (which are used in Chromium). I didn’t test the SSE3/SSE4 builds. They will probably still perform better than Chrome, but they will definitely be less since they don’t have AVX/AVX2 support. Related to the notes about AVX above, this is also why things like RAID software, databases, and machine vision/machine learning software are often compiled with AVX support.

Those of you who tested the Linux beta 2 build, and were happy with the results, and lastly requested I make a Windows equivalent release will now be happy. Please close those feedback issues if you can, I am already swamped by issues in all of my repos. If I haven’t responded I promise I’m not ignoring you!

These builds are AVX only, sorry.

And yes I know, I know, I’m already behind on Chromium versions, thus will probably skip M127 and start work on M128 this weekend.

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