

BleachBit 是为那些希望深度清理系统并保护个人隐私的用户设计的应用程序。它可以安全地删除不必要的文件,释放磁盘空间,并确保个人信息不被轻易恢复或滥用。支持超过90种应用程序。


BleachBit 是一个专为需要深度清理系统并希望保护个人隐私的用户设计的应用程序。它可以安全地删除不必要的文件,如缓存、临时文件、日志文件以及各种应用程序留下的痕迹,从而释放磁盘空间,并确保个人信息不被轻易恢复或滥用。BleachBit 支持超过 90 种不同的应用程序,包括常见的浏览器(如 Chrome、Firefox)、办公软件(如 LibreOffice)、媒体播放器等。



  • 深度清理:BleachBit 能够深入系统底层,清理那些普通清理工具无法触及的隐藏文件和数据。
  • 隐私保护:通过彻底删除浏览历史、下载历史、表单数据、密码等敏感信息,BleachBit 帮助用户避免隐私泄露的风险。
  • 安全删除:采用先进的算法确保已删除的数据无法通过任何手段恢复,保障用户的隐私安全。
  • 便捷的操作界面:即使是技术新手也能轻松上手,通过简单的点击即可完成复杂的清理任务。
  • 跨平台支持:除了Windows外,BleachBit 还支持多种Linux发行版,使其成为跨平台用户的理想选择。


Test new to 4.9.1

Please test the application in general with special attention to the following tests.

The following tests apply to both Windows and Linux:

  • Clean Discord.
  • In the application menu, click Wipe free space and choose a directory to wipe. Choose any directory on a partition. (You do not need to wipe multiple directories per partition.) Check for a regression: it should succeed without any error messages. Test it on various filesystems, such as NTFS, FAT32, ext2, ext3, ext4, vfat, xfs, and btrfs. Tip: On Linux, you can make extra partitions using a loopback file system. On Windows, use a virtual drive. Tip: to test the condition of wiping a partition that is not full, make a sparse file, to fill it to about 95%. Leave more than 5GB free.
  • Also, test “wipe free space” on a partition that was already 100% full. See How to fill up a partition.
  • In the preferences, disable the option for debug logging. Open a terminal and run python3 --debug --gui (Linux) or bleachbit_console.exe --debug --gui (Windows). You should see many lines such as “automatically hiding” and “Cleaner is not usable on this OS”.
  • Check that the preferences dialog opens.
  • Check for extra space in the language selection combobox in the preferences (issue 1764).
  • In the same combo box, browse the list of language names. Most should be in the format like “English United States (en_US)” with the native name and a language code.
  • Test the feature to restore window size and position.Basically, every time BleachBit starts, it should restore the application with the same size, position, and maximized state. First, in the preferences, check the option remember window geometry.

    The complexity involves that it may not be possible to honor the request exactly because the number of monitors changed or the resolution of the monitors changed.

    • Basic test: Change the default position and size, close and restart the application. Verify the window is restored to the same size and position.
    • Maximized test: Maximize the application, restart it, and verify it was maximized.
    • Multiple monitors test: Start the application on the second monitor, close the application, disconnect the monitor, and restart the application. Verify it appears on the primary monitor.
    • Resolution change test: Start the application in the bottom right corner of the primary monitor (not using a secondary monitor), reduce the resolution, and restart the application. Verify the application appears visible (instead of off screen). Tip: either reduce the resolution on your regular display or use a virtual machine like VirtualBox that allows dynamic resolution changes.
  • Test deleting files and registry keys (on Windows) that cause “access denied” errors, and the error messages should be a single line (instead of multiple lines). Also, on Windows, the slashes should not be doubled like c:\\windows\\logs\\log.txt. To trigger these errors, run BleachBit without administrator privileges (Windows) or sudo (Linux), and then clean system files such as APT (Linux) or Windows Update (Windows). Test variations such as toggling “overwrite files” in the preferences: test it both ways. See issue 1790
  • Test starting the application when its configuration directory is full. See How to fill up a partition. Test two variations: the bleachbit.ini file did or did not exist before filling the partition. On Windows, the file is located at %appdata%\bleachbit\bleachbit.ini and on Linux in ~/.config/bleachbit/bleachbit.ini.
  • Test starting the application when access to its configuration file is locked (but the partition is not full). Scenario 1 is the bleachbit.ini file already exists, and then own it by root sudo chown root ~/.config/bleachbit/bleachbit.ini or equivalent on Windows. In scenario 2, delete it and lock the directory with sudo chown root ~/.config/bleachbit/.
  • Clean a CleanerML file with a space (871) and dconf (1096). Download test491.xml and put it in the personal cleaners directory. On Windows, it’s %appdata%\bleachbit\cleaners\, and on Linux, it’s ~/.config/bleachbit/cleaners/. Restart BleachBit, and test the new options. Note: dconf applies only to Linux.
  • Click the application menu and choose system information. Verify it doesn’t crash, and check that the information is correct.

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